Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Let see, since the last post, I've finished Specials and Extras. In Specials it ends up with Tally going ape over the death of Zane and she manages to stop a war between two cities. Also all the Specials were de-specialized except for her so she's the only special left. She and David are now like the masked rangers and prevent anything stupid from happening in the world.

Extras was about a new girl, Aya Fuse. She's Japanese and there everything is based on face rank. So she wanted to get more popular so she joins a very bad group (almost like the Crims of the Uglies). She becomes pretty popular and thus kicked from the Sly Girls because they want to stay unknown. Suddenly Aye finds out that the world could be destroyed by the Extras and she tells the world. She instantly becomes rank 3 in face rank and Tally tells her to hide. They hide for a while, then they find out the Extras are actually trying to go to space to expand since the world is overpopulated. Aye helps. The end.

Okay. That was a great story, Extras.

1) How does Scott Westerfeld incorporate historical stuff into a series in the future.

2)How is this series a warning about what is about to come?

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I haven't exactly read too much this time, but I've been formulating thesis(es?) in my head.

1)The subliminal messages that Scott Westerfeld adds into his writing. (Nazi's with the Jews as the Uglies and the SS as the Specials)

2)The impact of the authors writing in the field of all this new technology and how it warns us the be careful. Like for example all this plastic surgery going around could eventually diminish the true human look and it will be the (what's the word for extinct? oh right, it's extinct) extinction of the human race (cause we'll all be a new looking species called homo sexian).

3)How beauty can be used as the most powerful usage in the humans natural weapons selections. If your ugly you can't exactly be the most charming person in the world. Unless your me.

4)How beauty is only skin deep. For example if your pretty, your pretty. If your ugly, you can be pretty inside.

5) Finally how beauty is determined by many perspectives, although being prettier is usually the main one but that also means theres no such thing as ugly.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Life in a Perfect World


That's what I'm getting out of the Uglies

Let's see, this time Tally and Shay have been up to even MOAR no good. They break into a weapons facility, manage to unleash a huge amount of nanobots that eat away most of the city and cause a war. You know, basic day in the life of Tally.

On to the more important part, I've begun to notice that a perfect life isn't perfect if you never have a crappy day in your life. Thus, I begin thinking, hmm maybe this is like that ancient proverb, a perfect life is never perfect or something like that.