Thursday, March 13, 2008


I haven't exactly read too much this time, but I've been formulating thesis(es?) in my head.

1)The subliminal messages that Scott Westerfeld adds into his writing. (Nazi's with the Jews as the Uglies and the SS as the Specials)

2)The impact of the authors writing in the field of all this new technology and how it warns us the be careful. Like for example all this plastic surgery going around could eventually diminish the true human look and it will be the (what's the word for extinct? oh right, it's extinct) extinction of the human race (cause we'll all be a new looking species called homo sexian).

3)How beauty can be used as the most powerful usage in the humans natural weapons selections. If your ugly you can't exactly be the most charming person in the world. Unless your me.

4)How beauty is only skin deep. For example if your pretty, your pretty. If your ugly, you can be pretty inside.

5) Finally how beauty is determined by many perspectives, although being prettier is usually the main one but that also means theres no such thing as ugly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are off to a great start and have a lot to pull from for a paper. Good work on developing thesis ideas.